Important Aspects of a Proper Baseball Slide Head First Sliding vs Feet First Sliding How to Teach Sliding in Baseball Slide in Style with BRUCE BOLT There is no doubt that baseball has evolved over years, introducing many new elements that have rocked the game. One early addition was sliding. Now thought of as being intrinsic to the sport, sliding is a technique that revolutionized how players run the base paths. However, it wasn't until later that the sport saw a shift towards head first sliding – a style that, again, revolutionized base running in early baseball history. Sliding,...
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Does Having a Good Baseball Swing Help or Hurt Your Golf Swing? Baseball Swing vs Golf Swing: Similarities and Differences How to Get Better at Golf Without Harming Your Baseball Swing How BRUCE BOLT Can Help You're a beast on the diamond, but can you say the same about your golf swing? Likely not, but that doesn't mean you can't become a master of both! Actually, when it comes down to the basics, the skill set you've developed as a baseball player can give you an edge in golf over your non-baseball playing buddies. But the question that might...
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The History of Baseball Sliding Mitts The Benefits of Sliding Mitts Have Sliding Mitts Become an Essential Piece of Baseball Gear? How BRUCE BOLT Can Help Sliding mitts, known for their oven mitt like appearance, have become an increasingly common sight on the hands of ball players running the bases. Chances are you've seen them even if you didn’t realize what their purpose is. But if you've ever wondered – are baseball sliding mitts essential? – you've come to the right place. The Short Answer: Yes, while they are not quite as essential as your batting gloves, sliding mitts...
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The Myth of Who Invented Baseball The Real Origins of Baseball The Evolution of Baseball How BRUCE BOLT Can Help We all know that baseball has long-since been America's favorite pastime. But have you ever stopped to think about how the it all got started? This article aims to shed some light on the eventful, somewhat complicated history of baseball, starting from its debated beginnings to how it evolved into the modern MLB we know today. The Short Answer: Contrary to general beliefs, Abner Doubleday did not invent baseball. The real story? Various forms of bat-and-ball games that existed...
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The History of Batting Gloves The Benefits of Batting Gloves Different Types of Batting Gloves How BRUCE BOLT Can Help The Short Answer: Simply put, batting gloves help a baseball or softball player's performance in the batter's box. They do this by serving as an intermediary between the bat and your hands. They provide a solid grip that isn't compromised by sweat or moisture, reduce stinging, prevent blisters, and look cool all at the same time. To fully appreciate the importance and value of these gloves, we will dive into their history, take a look at their benefits, and...
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The History of The Designated Hitter Rule Designated Hitter Rule Implications & Controversies Famous Designated Hitters How BRUCE BOLT Can Help The Short Answer: Simply put, a designated hitter (DH) in baseball is a player who bats in place of the pitcher for the entirety of the game. Unlike other players who both hit and play a defensive position, the designated hitter's sole responsibility is to step into the batter's box and hit bombs. For years, this role was a unique feature of the American League, giving it an edge in rostering great hitters when compared to the National...
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