BE BETTER Challenge: Share a story about someone who inspires you to "Be Better" on social to enter to win, using #BeBruceBoltBetter and tagging us We'll pick a winner and gear up your entire team, or 12 friends, in BRUCE BOLT gear. (Nominations accepted until Nov. 30th)
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"My dad is one of the hardest workers I've ever met. His whole life he's been an entrepreneur. He's always worked his butt off to build something successful. Even back in 2017 when BRUCE BOLT started, he was off doing his thing and I had come up with this this project.

He would take time out of his day to come and help me with it and make sure things were running smoothly. You know, just giving me pointers here and there. That is something to me that's really inspiring—the fact that he would take time out of his day to work with me. And actually, to this day he works on it with me, and we're at the point where we are now which is absolutely incredible.

And so, to be able to do something like this with my dad, and know that my dad has been there my whole life to really push me, but also be a part of what I do is really inspiring. And is an inspiration behind why I try to be better every day."

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