If you're wondering whether it's too late to take the challenge—there's still time!
You can win BRUCE BOLT gear for your entire team, or up to 12 friends, by sharing your story on social about someone who embodies what it means to "Be Better."

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STEP 1. NOMINATE - Who has inspired you to Be Better? Record a short video, or write a story with an image, and tell us about the impact they've made in your life.

STEP 2. POST - Post your nomination video, or image + story on Instagram or TikTok.

STEP 3. TAG - All nomination posts must tag us @brucebolt.us and use the hashtag #BeBruceBoltBetter

Note: failure to tag @brucebolt.us in tandem with the use of the hashtag on social may result in a submission not being seen.

We've rounded up some of the videos our BRUCE BOLT ambassadors have recorded over the past two weeks to give you a foretaste of the stories, posts, and videos to come — search #BeBruceBoltBetter on Instagram to see more.

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