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Former pro baseball player (now famous TikToker) Robert Cruz put together a mini-masterclass on respecting your equipment and taking care of your BRUCE BOLT Batting Gloves.

We call it Glove Care 101.

1. Dry Your Gloves After Each Use

Our glove bag is meant to keep your gloves flat when they are in your equipment bag, but it’s very important to air your gloves out (out of the bag) after games, practices, and BP especially.

    2. Moisturize Your Gloves with Leather Conditioning Balm

    Our gloves are made from 100% real Cabretta leather unlike other batting gloves. So just like your mitt, leather conditioner helps keep the leather soft and supple. We recommend using Chamberlain's Leather Milk Balm.

      Rub the balm inside and out of the glove. This will impregnate the leather and actually repel moisture and sweat.  Allow the balm to dry overnight and it will actually make your gloves “tackier” for better grip.

      3. Don't Use BRUCE BOLT Batting Gloves in the Rain

      Like any real leather product, saturating the gloves will cause the leather to become weak and susceptible to tears.

      4. Remove the Dirt

      Use light soap and water on a cloth rag to gently remove any dirt.

        5. Use a Deodorizer

        If your gloves start to smell, use "Pow Air" Essential Oil Deodorizer.

          6. Get Two Pairs of Gloves

          If you're playing pro, collegiate, high school, or select ball—or just sweat a lot—we highly recommend getting two pairs of BRUCE BOLT batting gloves. We’ve found that players who train every day and rotate their gloves get significantly more wear than if they used the same pair every day.

          7. Don't Worry About "Flaking" from Abrasion

          Players who use our gloves will sometimes write in about seeing their gloves "flake" bits and pieces after first use. Don't worry! Those "flakes" you see aren't leather failure, it's the topical spray we use on the leather for consistent color and sheen. Abrasion with use is normal and has no effect on durability.


          Watch more baseball content from Robert Cruz on YouTube and TikTok.


            • Dayten Josey said:

              My gloves are very comfortable and fit good

              September 05, 2023

            • Aaron Bell said:

              To get pine tar off do you do the same thing? Just water and soap, then condition?

              July 21, 2023

            • Ethan Albertson said:

              For the conditioning in the gloves do I do the inside of the glove as well?

              January 19, 2023

            • Carlos Acosta said:

              Hi, how can I remove pine tar from my gloves?

              October 26, 2022

            • Kristin Kamstra said:

              The POW Air Deodorizer recommended to spray on the battling gloves is not available to order.
              Can you please recommend another way or cleaner to deodorize, freshen and clean the smelly gloves.

              October 26, 2022

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